Wednesday, September 10, 2014

June 2014

Sadly, I can barely remember what in June! Thank goodness for pictures to help remind me. We spent a lot of time going to the pool or the splash pad. We went and picked our own strawberries. The girls loved and Marge picked enough strawberries for us to make and can some jam. It was delicious. I probably take too many pictures of the girls sleeping. But I just love them. Aaron and I celebrated 5 YEARS!!! Crazy how fast time goes by. I wanted a steak, so we headed to Ruth Chris where they sprinkled our table with rose petals and enjoyed some of our favorite food. I also, lost my engagement ring down the toilet!! YES. My ring. I flushed the toilet and was pulling my pants up lol and my ring caught on my jeans perfectly and took my ring right off my finger and no joke slam dunked into the toilet and went out with the last flush :( I of course dove into the toilet reaching for my ring but it was pointless. It was gone. So then I hurried and turned off the water to the toilet and to the whole house. We took the toilet off and tried to look but that too was pointless. I called a rooter who came the next day with his camera equipment. I expected worse case scenario, which was in the sewer some where. The guy put his camera scope down and with in a minute there was my RING! 7ft from the pipe entrance! The hard part now was trying to figure out how to get it out. After 10min of trying to use a contraption on the end of the scope, which didn't work the guy was like I have a wet/dry vac in my car... 5min later I had my ring back again :) Thank goodness! I was literally distraught about it, but I mean the whole thing was so bizarre. I feel pretty lucky to have gotten it back.

May 2014

May. Was a busy month. My mom came to visit and we took her to one my favorite places. MUIR WOODS. It is beautiful and everything you want if you want redwoods, a nice trail path for your stroller, and green scenery. Really, it's beautiful. I wish I had time to go there one more time before I leave, but I don't. I'm hoping that I'll see more of this scenery though as we head up to Washington. Seriously, if you are visiting San Fran you should go to Muir Woods. If you do! Go first thing in the morning between 8-9am because after that parking is impossible and buses show up and then there is lots of people instead of enjoying the quietness and personal space to walk. We tried going later in the afternoon not to long ago, and no joke there were no parking spots and none were opening up anytime soon. It was a mad house. So go early!

 A few random photos from the month. You know those jump/bounce places that seem to be springing up every where?! My kids love going to them! Vera and Emma are old enough where they both can climb up on their own and run around.

 Vera was in a ballet class during the Spring. To say she LOVED it would be an understatement. She would ask me everyday, "mom can I go to dance class today?" She would sit by the door all dressed and ready to go if it was, and if it wasn't she'd still put her clothes and slippers on. Watching her dance in her recital was a priceless moment. Her personality of sass and spunk definitely showed. She was all smiles and loved that everyone was watching her dance. I was also, really pleased that she actually remembered the steps to the dance. I literally can't wait for her to do dance again because it's the most adorable thing ever, especially when they're young.

March/April 2014

WOW! Time flies! Just looking at these pictures I can't believe how much older Vera and Emma both look. Kinda sad... With a baby coming in a month and half, I've decided I need to really catch up on my blog. There are so many pictures I want to add in but I can't put all of them. PS. My pictures auto back up to my Google+ and when I was going through them I was like what the heck, why is David Hasselhoff in my picture!!?? Then I thought it was kinda funny, so I left him there hah! We went and explored Napa one weekend. It was a beautiful drive and we loved the wine country. Of course, we don't drink wine and we have kids hah so we just walked around the two, took a scenic drive, and ate some good italian. We also went to the Oakland Zoo. That was pretty dang good... Hilly. But fun and a good work out. We also spent Easter in Utah and did several egg hunts. The girls love it and so did we. We went to the egg hunt at the BYU football stadium. There were so many people! Sorry, but when I see other people who are sprinting to run their kid to the middle of the field so their kid could at least pick up something and not get run better believe I'm sprinting too! haha.